Our Mission
Why we do what we do
Mission Statement
The Lasallian Mission embodies the vision and innovative spirit of St. John Baptist de La Salle, Patron Saint of all Teachers of Youth and founder of the De La Salle Brothers (Brothers of the Christian Schools - FSC). The Lasallian mission provides a human and Christian education to the young, especially the poor.
Core Principles of a Lasallian School
The use of the Five Core Principles of a Lasallian School is a principle way to express the lived reality of Lasallian Education. They were developed by students and teachers from a school in the Northwest of U.S.A. They are used extensively around the world due to their simplicity and effectiveness in capturing the essence of Lasallian Schools.
Concern for the Poor & Social and Ecological Justice
The school demonstrates sensitivity toward the poor and those suffering from injustices, including care for our common home. In general, the community, especially the students, are encouraged to get involved in assisting the marginalised.
Quality Education
An education is provided that prepares students not only for a job and college, but for life. This education advances the students’ abilities to use their talents to critically examine the world, contemporary culture, etc., in light of the message of the Gospels, and to take greater responsibility for their own education.
Faith in the Presence of God
Belief in the living presence of God in our world. Prayer and regular reminders of God’s presence is a prevailing spirit of the school. All are taught to discover how God is active in one’s life and to learn to see the world with the “eyes of faith”.
Respect for All Persons
A concerted effort by the school to respect the dignity of all persons.
Inclusive Community
A united community where diversity is respected, where no one is left out, and everyone finds a place. Individuals within the school community recognise and accept one another’s limitations.
“Those who instruct many in justice shall shine like stars throughout eternity...”
— Daniel 12:3; St. La Salle, Med. 208.2