Lasallian Volunteers
Lasallian volunteers commit themselves to the mission for the short and medium term, near and far from their place of origin, both in urban and rural areas. Every year, youth and adult volunteers carry out service projects with an education focus on the five continents, for example: construction of schools and houses, language teaching, educational and health work, among other activities. For more information see Lasallian Projects.
Recently, and in some places, young people have experienced for a time the different aspects of the Brothers’ community life. By doing so they have gained experience and knowledge while also using their skillset to enhance the lives of others.
There are also opportunities to volunteer within the District by joining the team at St Cassian’s, Kintbury.
The Kintbury Team are committed to living an authentically Catholic Christian life in community. Each volunteer brings their own unique gifts, talents and skills to share the gospel with young people from all over the country who come to St Cassian’s on retreat.
Our community lives, prays, and serves together, offering a safe, yet challenging place to live out our faith.
To be a volunteer you need an understanding and love of your Christian faith together with a commitment to working with young people in the areas of spiritual, personal and social development. The ability to work as part of a team is also key.
The Team work mainly with young people aged 7 to 18, leading them in small groups, ice breaker games, drama, art, music and personal reflection and prayer and preparation of aspects of liturgy. We are also looking to recruit young people who want to improve their media and digital skills, as we expand our online ministry.
As a community, we are all involved in hospitality and assisting with the day to day running of the Centre.
For more information on how the Lasallian tradition of overseas work see Lasallians Overseas.
If anybody is interested in volunteering or would like more information please contact admin@lasalleigbm.org