District Leadership
District Leadership
The District Leadership Team is composed of Brothers and Lasallian Partners, both appointed and ex-officio, who together are responsible for major areas of District administration, educational ministries and programmes, formation for Mission, and finance and development.
The Brother Visitor is both the canonical superior of the District’s Brothers and the chief executive officer of the District. The Team serves the Visitor, and by extension the District, in both advisory and administrative capacities.
The members of the Team are:
Brother Visitor (Provincial) – Br Ben Hanlon
Auxiliary Visitor for Senior Brothers & Care Communities – Br Michael Curran
Auxiliary Visitor for Mission - Br Tommy Walsh
District Bursar – Kevin Humphrey
Co-ordinator of Lasallian Vocations - Heather Ruple Gilson
Director of Mission – Joe Gilson
District Secretary – John Biggins
Director of Formation - Pat Walsh
Co-ordinator of Special Projects - Jo Millea
Communications Officer - Eunan Whyte
The District Leadership Team