Calling oneself Lasallian is an invitation to respond to God as a person “called and sent.” It means living a dynamic process that finds all of us on a journey into the unknown. It is an adventure much like the one that inspired St. John Baptist de La Salle over 325 years ago.
— Circular 461 - Associated for the Lasallian Mission… an Act of Hope (Section 5.24)
The Lasallian Educational Mission is lived out, together and by association, within the context of community, and the Animator is central to ensuring the sustainability and vitality of the Lasallian Mission and Charism in each school and Lasallian centre in the District.
A Lasallian Animator invites everyone to share in the Lasallian charism, mission and essential elements of the Lasallian tradition. They accompany and inspire members of the community to discover their Lasallian vocational journey as sons and daughters of God and co-operators in building God's Kingdom.
It is clearly understood that the Head Teacher/Principal has the primary and final responsibility for the Lasallian Mission and ethos in their educational community. In the Lasallian context, the Lasallian Animator is someone who, within that local educational community, supports the Head Teacher/Principal with the responsibility of making known the essential elements of the Lasallian tradition and supports and facilitates the advancement of the Mission and Charism. The clear support for the Lasallian Animator by the Head Teacher /Principal will ensure this facilitation to the benefit of all.
The Lasallian Animator is:
A person of faith and who has an understanding of their Lasallian Vocation.
Has completed a formal District, Regional or international Lasallian Formation programme.
Has the respect of those in the school community and is credible with the community in matters related to Lasallian Mission/Ethos.
Has the support of the Head Teacher/Principal.
In collaboration and communication with the Head Teacher/Principal, the Lasallian Animator:
Assists with the promotion and facilitation of initiatives of the Institute (International Lasallian Days, Rise and Serve, Lasallian Reflections), and of the District Executive Mission Council and the Local MEL Committees.
Develops an annual programme to promote the Lasallian ethos in the school community.
Shares information and communication, where appropriate, with the school community regarding the Lasallian Network.
Is responsive and timely in communication with District representatives.
Is open to being a part of a network of Lasallian Animators in District of Ireland, Great Britain and Malta through email, online meeting platforms and potential in-person gatherings to help strengthen the network of Animators in the District.
Helps identify and invite others in the school community to opportunities for Lasallian Formation programmes at the local, District, and international level.
Invites others in the school community to help animate the Lasallian ethos by creating a team of people invested in supporting efforts of the Lasallian Network. The development of this Animation team is very important as it offers an opportunity to promote a positive environment in the school through which the Lasallian core principles will continue to be visible and lived each day and help maintain John Baptist de La Salle’s spirit in the ways in which we teach and learn.