Lasallians Overseas
“In communion with all those who preceded us, we continue to respond with burning zeal to the calls of the Lord, of the Church and of the world for the glory of God.”
—The Rule #160
Lasallians Overseas
Our District of Ireland, Great Britain and Malta has a very proud and rich tradition of reaching out to our poorer brothers and sisters in those parts of the world where the benefits of human and Christian education are yet to be realised. Our Brothers were instrumental in establishing vibrant educational structures in many parts of the world – particularly in Africa and Asia, and, wherever possible, we continue to support emerging educational endeavours through the provision of personnel and financial assistance. We believe that, in the words of Pope Francis, we can still be an important part of
“a Church that serves, that leaves home and goes forth in order to accompany life, to sustain hope, to be the sign of unity, to build bridges, to break down walls, to sow seeds of reconciliation.”
— Fratelli Tutti #276
Today, while our presence on the foreign missions has been reduced considerably, the spirit of “going forth” is kept alive by our Brothers and Lasallian Volunteers through undertaking short-term summer projects especially in Africa and India. Many of our Animators and teachers in our schools continue to create awareness among their students of the Lasallian legacy overseas and to challenge them to respond with a similar kind of generosity to the needs of the poor and the young wherever those needs are manifested.
We support projects being undertaken around the world through Fondazione De la Salle Solidarietà Internazionale. This is the principal development and fundraising department of the De La Salle Christian Brothers and provides capacity building, technical assistance, and financial support to Lasallian educational initiatives. (linked to website)
Our District also supports the work of Misean Cara, an international and Irish faith-based missionary movement working with some of the most marginalised and vulnerable communities in developing countries. We are working to realise their human rights through delivery of basic services in the areas of education, health, livelihoods and income generation, as well as advocacy, networking and community mobilisation. Our movement is made up of 88 member organisations working in over 50 countries.