Br. Chris Patiño helps our efforts to promote Culture of Vocations
The value of being part of a global Lasallian network was highlighted once again this month as the District of Ireland, Great Britain and Malta welcomed a special visit from Br. Chris Patiño of the San Francisco New Orleans District (SFNO).
Br. Chris, the Director of Vocations for the De La Salle Brothers in SNFO, was invited to spend time with us as part of our efforts to promote a holistic Culture of Vocations - including Religious Life as lived by the De La Salle Brothers. A native of Los Angeles, Br. Chris spent Friday 25th February and the following Saturday in St Cassian's, Kintbury with the Office of Mission team, some members of the Vocations Team, Brothers and Lasallian Partners, before visiting St Joseph's College, Beulah Hill, on the following Monday. His trip will conclude with a visit to schools in Malta.
While in Kintbury, Br. Chris began with a very informative discussion with the Office of Mission team of Joseph Gilson, Heather Ruple, Jo Millea, and Eunan Whyte, who were also joined by Br. Martin Curran. The discussion involved looking at the challenges we are facing, communicating what we mean by Culture of Vocations, and also how we can promote vocations within our District. That afternoon, Br. Chris made a presentation to the Vocations Team during which he outlined his own experience as Director of Vocations in the US and offered valuable insight into practical steps that can be taken to promote the Culture of Vocations. He reminded those present, and also participants on Zoom, that while there are challenges ahead, we need to continue our efforts in this area, we must also remind ourselves that great work is already being done throughout the Lasallian network.
On Saturday morning, Br. Chris followed up the examples of his experience in the US by discussing the practical steps that can be taken to promote a Culture of Vocations.
The St Cassian’s sessions were led by Director of Formation and Vocation Ministry, Jo Millea, who thanked Br. Chris for giving up his time to share his valuable insights with all present. This information would be of great benefit to the District, and we all look forward to him returning in the near future.
After spending Sunday with the Community in Oxford, early on the Monday morning Br. Chris travelled to St Joseph's College, Beulah Hill, with the Director of Mission, Joseph Gilson. After meeting with Catherine Kane (Head Teacher), Stephen Horsman (Chair of Governors), and Theo Arthur (Director of Spirituality), the busy schedule for the day included observing an RE lesson followed by Q&A with students, before hearing about the success of Ethos Day in the school from Theo Arthur. He also met with the Student Council and Altar Servers, before being given a history of the college, while the visit concluded by meeting with voluntary staff for a talk on 'Being the Lasallian Teacher'.
On Tuesday, Br. Chris will fly to Malta where he will be discussing how to develop a Culture of Vocations with various groups across Stella Maris College and De La Salle College. He will assist in exploring all varieties of vocations available to the Lasallian Family in the District, and he will meet Alumni and other young people who are open to exploring the modern-day life of a De La Salle Brother.
Br. Chris Patiño with members of the Vocation Team at Kintbury