Productive and memorable year for 1719 Society

As the school year comes to a close in De La Salle School St Helens, the 1719 Society have had a chance to reflect on their many achievements. One of the members, Beth Perry, has taken to opportunity to look back at some of the highlights of a productive and memorable year.

Hello, my name is Beth Perry, and I am one of the members of De La Salle St Helens 1719 Society. As a society we have accomplished so much already, here I will go through what we have and hope to achieve throughout the rest of our Lasallian journey, and how we came to form our society this year.

One of the many processes my peers and I underwent was the interview stage. As I was being interviewed for Head Girl, my interview took place in the Head Teacher’s office. I presented myself to my teachers and two school Governors.

We all had to make one PowerPoint slide consisting of our interests and why we want to take on a leadership role. Initially I was very nervous, but all my teachers and the Governors were so understanding and made the experience one I will never forget. Overall, I really loved my interview process as it was my chance to fully express myself as an individual and share some of my visions for my school.

Last week two of my peers and I volunteered to read about Founder's Day in assembly. Each of us were given two slides to deliver to every year group. Through this process, I gained confidence in public speaking and improved my knowledge on my school’s founder.

On Friday May 26th, an event planned by some of the 1719 members took place. To support the Ukraine fund raiser, we organised our own school Eurovision in which everyone was welcome to perform. As 1719 members, we ran the tuck shops and ensured the safety and smooth-running of the event.

Other members of our society have been in the process of organising a teacher appreciation day. On this day we will distribute personalised notes to all teachers in our school to show our appreciation for their hard work. We hope to have everyone from the society helping write the notes on behalf from the rest of the school.

To support our concern for the poor and social justice, some of our members have also planned to meet up with a charity worker and go to our local Hope Centre to help with the food bank. We are hoping to support this charity either each term or half term by sending pupils to help get donations or help in the Hope Centre again.

The final event our society is planning is Founder’ss Day. This will take place on June 30th to commemorate the life and work of John Baptist de La Salle. The day will consist of Mass and both indoor and outdoor activities. Our aim for Founder’s Day is to not only educate students on De La Salle’s legacy, but to also celebrate it. This is why we will be holding house competitions, both sports and art activities and chapel reflection for all students to have a way to celebrate their founder.

We are hoping to plan more events such as the ones previously mentioned to help support our aim of following our 5 Core Lasallian Values and to overall link our school to the wider community.


Zoom conversation on ‘Lasallian Spirituality Today’


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