Many activities at DLS Basildon

The many activities in De La Salle School Basildon over the past few weeks have included a Christmas hamper collection, sharing an Epiphany Blessing and making plans for an outside, sustainable, inclusive, multipurpose teaching and wellbeing space.

Christmas Hamper

In December, all 30 forms participated in our annual Christmas hamper collection which we donated to the local SVP in Basildon and the local deanery churches.

Below is members of the Basildon SVP and our Student Leadership team.

The Epiphany Blessing

As we came back, On the Sunday we celebrated the Solemnity Feast of the Epiphany. Traditionally on this Feast with Chalk on your house, you write an Epiphany Blessing. Our chaplaincy team distributed all forms for their chaplaincy board the following blessing for their classroom.

 20 C + M + B 24

This beautiful blessing, brings many graces upon those who practise it in faith and is an added protection against any spiritual enemies that may be lurking around.

The “20 “being the millennium and century, the “C” standing for the first Wise Man, Caspar, the “M” standing for Melchior, the “B” standing for Balthasar, and the “24” standing for the decade and year.

It is also popularly believed that the Kings’ initials stand for “Christus Mansionem Benedicat” (Christ bless this house).

 Outside, sustainable, inclusive, multipurpose teaching and wellbeing space

Plans have been underway since the summer 2023 and students have been tasked with sharing suggestions and designs for a large field to the side of the school that is currently not used.  The garden design competition has generated huge interest among students and we were able to procure 300 trees to start our area off.

On December 20th, 40 student volunteers ages ranging from 11 to 16 and three teaching staff planted the 300 native trees to create the natural corridors between the planned spaces in our outside teaching space. Additionally, two micro forests were planted. 

It is our intention to identify a suitable space for our gardening club to grow flowers and vegetables in the summer term 2024. The environment volunteers are also liaising with our school chaplaincy team to plan planting suitable for the mindfulness and prayer area. Pictured are staff and students enjoying our tree planting event.  More trees are coming in March and already volunteers are coming forward to help!.



Also in memory of caretake Steve, who sadly died in March last year, our environment champions are busy keeping the school clear of litter and promoting recycling. Pictured is one of our students out and about spotting litter!  The club has made a big difference to attitudes to waste and student volunteers have noticed a drop in the amount of litter that needs to be cleared as the term has progressed.


This week w/b 22 January we have been have been looking at The Holocaust – In the chaplaincy shed pupils have been colouring figures such as Elie Wiesel, Romanian/American author; Saint Maximilian Kolbe. We are also trying to Make some Auschwitz Hearts based around … who was in Auschwitz.




Monastery NS celebrate Catholic Schools Week


Many tributes paid to the late Br. George Whyte