De La Salle Senior School support ‘Coats For A cause Campaign'

Students at De La Salle College Senior School in Malta illustrated their caring side ahead of Christmas as they took time to think of those in need through the 'Coats For A cause Campaign'.

The school community remembered that Christmas can be a little daunting for women in need in shelters over this time, where they are not with family, friends, or loved ones.

Staff and students wanted to let them know that they are part of a community and that we are thinking of them.  

A total of 11 coats / jackets were collected from among the senior school staff to support 'Coats For A cause Campaign' organised by FEM Community.

Form 1 Live-In

The first two groups of Form 1 students visited the La Salle Pastoral Centre in November for their yearly retreat. The boys had the opportunity to observe different types of friendships. They also discussed what one must look for in a friendship worth keeping and what they can do to be better friends. As our founder, Saint John Baptist de La Salle, said: "It is impossible to please God if you do not live on friendly terms with others".

Form 2: Live-In 

Throwback to the Form 2 retreat in November at the La Salle Pastoral Centre in Mellieha. An opportunity for the students to spend time together, getting to know their teachers, but also to discuss the theme of 'Accepting Others'. Quoting Kelly Clarkson: "EVERYONE IS DIFFERENT: different shapes, sizes, colours, beliefs, personalities, and you have to CELEBRATE those differences".

Student Council

The Senior School Student Council attended a training session at Agenzija Zghazagh on the process of running a student council. They focused on how to use 'The Six Thinking Hats' which will be used in their discussion meetings.

Table Tennis

On January 16th some of our Form 5 students attending the ‘Table-Tennis Club’ during mid-day break, had the opportunity to participate in an Inter-Schools table-tennis festival organised by the Malta Table Tennis Association in collaboration with the Malta Olympic Committee and the Ministry of Education.
We would like to thank all organisers for their great initiative.

Week of Prayer

On the occasion of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity and in conjunction with the Religious Knowledge SEC SBA, last week the Form 3 classes were taken to Valletta to visit three Christian Churches: the St. Paul’s Anglican Pro-Cathedral, the Greek Orthodox Church and the Greek Catholic Church. It was an enriching experience for both students and the teachers and LSEs who accompanied the six groups.


Job opportunity at St Cassian’s Centre


DLS Jersey bring the Leavening Project into the classroom