Christmas message from Br. Ben

Dear Lasallians,

On behalf of all those who serve in the District, I wish all Lasallians a Christmas filled with happiness, peace, hope and joy.

I am well aware that when we turn on our televisions there is little by way of either peace or joy. But maybe this darkness can help us to realise that most people are good in their hearts. Most of us are decent and the challenge can be to move out of ourselves and give first thought to others, our family, friends, those in need.

Moving  down this road even in our thought and mindset is the beginning which Christmas is all about. So let’s make room for others in our lives this Christmas.

I know we all appreciate being in one another’s thoughts and prayers especially when times are tough. Maybe this Christmas and in 2024 we can do that through our beautiful Lasallian prayer: Live Jesus in our Hearts: Forever!

I want to thank each of you, whether as student, teacher, staff member or friend, for your contribution to living and spreading the Lasallian message of respect, inclusivity, quality education, faith in the presence of God and care for those on the margins. It is wonderful to see that all are welcomed and wanted in our Lasallian Family. Well done to all!

Have a lovely Christmas and may 2024 bring an abundance of blessings!

Ben and all our Leadership Team


District is well represented at CIL Programme


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