St Illtyd’s students show pride in their school
Students at St Illtyd’s Catholic High School illustrated the pride they have in their school by developing a thriving ‘Clean Up Crew’.
At the start of term, Assistant Head of Year 7 Rebecca Kaye identified that there were several areas of the school that could do with a good clean up. Our Year 7 pupils are enthusiastic, and many of them are happy to help regularly at break times with litter picking. From this group of volunteers, Mrs Kaye recruited a “Clean Up Crew.” Pupils were nominated based on how many times they had helped out at break times.
On the day, the “Clean Up Crew” tackled three areas around the school. Firstly they swept away leaves, cut back bushes and litter picked in the Year 7 yard. Secondly they jet-washed, weeded and tidied up the quiet area outside the canteen. Finally they swept, weeded and litter picked around the steps area outside the sports barn.
All of the pupils had a great day and did a fantastic job in cleaning up the school. It is wonderful to witness pupils taking such pride in their school. A huge well done to Mrs Kaye and all of the “Clean Up Crew”!
Rebecca Kaye, Assistant Head of Year 7
We have a new school minibus
You may recall that back in May, seven of our dedicated staff members (and one from our feeder primary school) ran a 50km ultramarathon to help raise funds for a much-needed new minibus. They raised an impressive £5862. Together with donations received into the Governors Fund, we are delighted to announce that we have bought a brand new minibus!
On top of this fundraising, all proceeds from our Christmas Market covered the signage on our new minibus. There will be a full write up on the Christmas Market in our Spring issue.
We would like to say a HUGE well done and thank you again to all our legendary Ultra runners pictured with our minibus. L to R: Mrs Mumford, Miss Bowering, Mrs Gwynne Carroll, Mr Tay, Mrs Hobbs, Mr Jones and Miss Berryman.
Rights Respecting Schools - our journey has begun
We are excited to announce that our journey to become a UNICEF Rights Respecting School has begun! St Illtyd’s Catholic High School has been awarded the Bronze “Rights Committed” stage of the award, meaning that we have made a commitment to becoming a Rights Respecting School.
A RRSA notice board is now on display on the top corridor and a set of posters has been put up on the bottom corridor to raise awareness of children’s rights. Pupils will learn about children’s rights and why these are important during PSE lessons. A Steering Group made up of pupils and staff has been set up to drive this initiative forward.
Earlier this term, Year 7 and 8 members of the RRSA Steering Group took part in a workshop about play run by Children’s Play Services. Pupils were able to express their views about play in regard to their local area. With their feedback, more facilities and activities can be created in the local area for children. This workshop supported article 31 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of a Child - “Every child has the right to relax, play and take part in a wide range of cultural and artistic activities”.
In the first week of December, RRSA Teaching Lead Steph MacLennan led a week of assemblies teaching all year groups about Article 28 - “Every child has the right to an education. Primary education must be free and different forms of secondary education must be available to every child. Discipline in schools must respect children’s dignity and their rights. Richer countries must help poorer countries achieve this”.
Follow our RRSA journey in future issues of The New Illtydian and on our school X account- @StIlltydsCHS.
Luisa May, Community Focused Schools Co-ordinator and RRSA Admin Support Lead
Dydd Shwmae/Shwmae Day 2024
Earlier this term we celebrated Shwmae Day. Head of Welsh, Megan Gwynne Carroll and Teacher of Welsh, Amber Forsey ran a number of activities for Year 7 pupils designed to increase use of and awareness of the Welsh language.
Activities included “Pin the Tail on the Dragon”, interviewing members of staff in Welsh and a quiz to test knowledge of different areas of the school through the Welsh language. It was wonderful to see the pupils participating so enthusiastically and really using their Welsh. Pupils enjoyed Welsh cakes and sweets. Da iawn!
Megan Gwynne Carroll, Head of Welsh
Thank you to St Cadoc’s Care Group
We would like to say a huge thank you to St Cadoc’s Care Group for their kind donation of over £1200 towards our Breakfast Club. Breakfast Club is open daily for pupils before school starts. Pupils can enjoy a hot chocolate and a snack before school starts. We are very grateful for this support.
Transition at St Illtyd’s
Year 6 PE Transition Sessions
Over four days in October, a small group of Year 10 pupils visited each of our feeder Catholic primary schools to deliver a PE session to Year 6 pupils. Following each session, Year 6 pupils could ask questions about anything they wanted to know about St Illtyd’s.
Open Evening 2024
On 17th October, St Illtyd’s Catholic High School held our annual Open Evening. Our Open Evening gives families the opportunity to tour the various departments and facilities around the school and to see what the school has to offer. Each department ran a variety of activities, showcased pupils’ work, displayed resources and held demonstrations of equipment. Pupils, parents and carers were able to ask questions and find out information about the school.
We had an excellent turn out and everyone commended all the pupils, Emerald Greens and Senior Prefects that helped out.